Enjoy FREE SHIPPING across North America for orders with a subtotal over $175. Our Shop is currently under construction. Kindly call or email at retail@agakhanmuseum.org for processing assistance. In store pick up is now Tuesday to Sunday 10am-5pm. Orders placed between Friday to Sunday will not be processed until the following Tuesday.
We are united in celebration of our differences. This design is my homage to the knowhow and creativity of the world’s native communities. The beaded hemline is inspired by the Maasai people of Kenya, the Maori of New Zealand, and Australian aboriginal headdresses. The central medallion is a reference to India, and the spears represent all indigenous tribes.
Niminimi was founded in 2016 by Nimi Nanji Simard; a Canadian entrepreneur with a global vision and an approach that is as bold and determined as it is beautiful. Every Niminimi creation conveys a message of hope for all to see. Nimi created 4 pillars as the heart and soul of her creations: Environment, Mental Health, Communities and Conflict around the world.