"Untitled, Face Series," a captivating acrylic on canvas by Shua'a Ali from Qatar, offers a profound glimpse into the artist's experiences and the influence of her diverse journey across various cities. Shua'a's art is a reflection of the local culture that has deeply inspired her over two decades, beautifully portraying these cultural facets in a contemporary and layered manner.
Artwork Details:
Shua'a's work in this series exemplifies the fusion of transparency and layering, a creative interpretation of the cultural features that have left an indelible mark on her. The overlapping layers and strokes of paint underscore the significance of life's little fragments and experiences in shaping one's identity, creating a vivid collage of personal narratives. The composition of her artwork is developed in a spontaneous and fluid manner, capturing the essence of her journey.
At Emergeast x Aga Khan Museum Shop, we believe everyone has a story to tell. Beyond the aesthetics, the story and inspirations behind an artwork can support one’s personal narrative and journey thereafter. Through building our Urbanite community of collectors, we aim to expand and develop a cultural appetite for the arts and beyond.
Please note that this artwork is currently located overseas, with delivery times varying based on the country of origin. Kindly allow for a delivery window of 1-2 weeks to bring this impactful piece to your collection.